
Hello! This is my journal. I will type all that is important! My main goal is to type as much as I can! Contact me and I will answer your questions! I will skip some days, but you CAN wait! Have fun!





                                               February 3, 2004 

Today was not much but I will tell you about where
we are(Santiago, Chile). I feel sorry for people who live here,
because of all the traffic! Every single day I hear 
beeping, honking, sounds of speeding cars! It gives
me a headache!
	Also the furniture. It's too fluffy! So you have to
flatten it! A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G ANNOYING! When it is 
flat it is only useful for lying on.(-_-)
	Here it is very hot! So I sweat every day.
Though when you're in the shade it is very cool.
As my little brother says "I like the pool, but I
do not like the hot." We went to the pool today it 
was cold,too cold!
	Here instead of dollors it's pesos. 600 pesos is a
US dollar. With bills instead of all the dollars together 
it is the cents or pesos together (example: 1.00 is 600).
	It is hard living here because they speak Spanish.
I do not!(>_<)

ADIOS!!!(That is bye!)

You skip 5 hours in CHILE!
